Saturday, December 12, 2009

December 12, 2009

Preparations for Christmas

It is mid-december and I have almost nothing done for Christmas. The lights are up outside, the bannister is decorated and there are a few snowmen about the house, but hardly any shopping or baking has been done. Christmas cards? Not this year. About the first week of November I have alot of good intentions regarding the holidays and buy wrapping paper, cards, and that sort of thing. A few gifts for Ben and Molly, but then I stop and find it very difficult as each day passes to rev my motor up again.

Maybe I have chronic fatigue syndrome...

Certainly I feel chronically fatigued. But maybe that is just part of being almost forty with two little kids running under my feet. It is so hard to even keep up with the tornado of debris that follows their running feet, let alone get on top of it. Those are the times when I question my sanity of deciding to homeschool, because at least for others, there is a reprieve, a chance to get on top of things while the children are out of the house for x number of hours every day. What bliss! But that is the only reason I would choose to send my kids to public school, so I could have a chance to clean the house. Doesn't seem very rational to me!

We are officailly on a break from homeschooling until January. Why not? We started early, do school almost daily, why not break early. We will still accomplish more than he would have learned in kindergarten and I get the joy of watching his face light up when he learns something new! This morning he came bursting into my room waving a book in his hands that he had just read all by himself. Was he ever proud!

The children are upstairs, and eerily quiet and while I love these peaceful moments, they don't last and usually it's because they are doing something they don't want me to know about. Sometimes though, the peace of these few minutes is worth the clean up that follows later. So I think I will pour myself another cup of coffee and snuggle on the couch with my pooch and a book.

Right now, i am reading "galore" by Michael Crummey. And I must say, it is quite good so far. I love Newfoundland writers that write about Newfoundland!


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